Lookism 525 is finally here and the showdown between twins has officially begun. In the previous chapter, Shintaro meets with his father, Yamazaki Shinji, to confirm what he heard from his mother.
Even though he didn’t want to believe it, turns out it’s true. His father knew the secret but decided to keep quiet since things were going smoothly with Shintaro as the vice president of the Yamazaki Clan.
Plus, Shintaro didn’t have the reverse eyes, which are key to becoming the clan leader along with being the eldest son.
Meanwhile, someone informs Shingen about Shintaro’s rebellion. At first, Shingen thinks it is just a misunderstanding and plans to talk it out with Shintaro. But out of nowhere, Park Somi, Gun Park’s mother, stabs Shingen with a sword.
Turns out, Shintaro had already made arrangements with her to fix her family’s reputation, but in return, she has to betray Shingen Yamazaki.

Shintaro shows up holding his father’s head, which enrages Shingen. Shingen tells Shintaro he could’ve just asked for the position anytime, but instead, he broke the rules.
The rebellion members tell Shintaro he needs to kill Shingen to get full recognition from the Yamazaki Clan.
Shintaro then challenges Shingen to a one-on-one fight, revealing he always had the reverse eyes but kept it hidden to let Shingen shine.
What Happened in Lookism 525?
Lookism 525 starts with Shintaro flexing his reverse eyes. A flashback then starts, Shingen tries to get Shintaro to go outside, but Shintaro is too busy reading, saying he’s only studying to support Shingen as the future leader.
Back in the present, the two brothers start fighting, both throwing punches. He knows why Shintaro’s so mad Shintaro spent his whole life backing Shingen, only to find out that he was the true leader from the start.
Shingen snaps, angry that Shintaro could’ve just told him the truth about being older instead of killing their dad to take over.
Shintaro is all about the rules though, and he keeps fighting, eventually beating Shingen down. He tells him, “You’re not the same guy who fought Gapryong Kim. There’s no place for you in the new leadership—it’s all about the rules now.”

But Shingen isn’t too bothered, saying he wouldn’t mind dying by Shintaro’s hand. Shintaro, on the other hand, has bigger plans he is planning to kill Shingen’s son, Gun Park too as he has the reverse eyes as well.
Another flashback shows someone explaining who Gun Park is to Shingen. Back in the present, Shingen talks to himself, realizing he accepted Gun but couldn’t handle the resemblance so he pretended he didn’t care at all about Gun Park.

Shingen was at the verge of dying, so he offers Gun Park anything he wants, Gun asks for a name, but before Shingen can answer, Shintaro rushes in, grabs the sword from Shingen’s stomach, and slices off his arm. Turns out Shintaro’s sword can even slice the black bone.
Meanwhile, we get a quick scene with Gapryong Kim and Reporter Kim, where Gapryong mentions that Shingen’s Ultra Instinct (UI) is different from others.
While others use it for strength, Shingen’s UI keeps his violent side in check. When he doesn’t use the reverse eyes, he becomes the true Tora Oni.
The chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Shingen Yamazaki disabling his UI to protect Gun Park from Shintaro.

Lookism 525 delivers the most awaited showdown between Shintaro and Shingen Yamazaki, both possess the black bone and the UI.
However, Shintaro played it smart and had Shingen stabbed before their actual fight, this weakened him but he also underestimated Shingen.
The chapter sets up the final battle perfectly. Shingen will be showing why he is called Tora Oni in the upcoming chapter! Overall the chapter was solid.
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