Lookism 512 spoilers have arrived, though the chapter will be released officially tomorrow I got the chapter early as usual. Gun declines to betray Charles and has the red paper safe. In this article, I will discuss what happened in Lookism 512.

In the previous chapter of Lookism, Johan defeats Gun and heads home to his mom after informing Eugene about his victory.
However, Gun recovered and rushed towards Johan. Johan vision gets blurry again as the medicine was not a permanent solution but a temporary one.
Gun overwhelms Johan for a while but Johan keeps fighting back. Johan uses a new ability, this ability lets him create multiple copies of himself. Johan uses this ability to deal a lot of damage to Gun.
Even with this ability, Johan fails to beat Gun but he does not give up. Johan gets frustrated and uses all of his strength in one final attack. Gun gets injured and just when Johan thinks he actually won, he faints and Gun walks away claiming the victory.
Gun claims Johan was the second person after Daniel Park who gave him a good fight. Samuel shows up at the end of the chapter and offers Gun a deal to join Goo and betray Charles.
Gun is in no condition to fight another enemy. However, Samuel is just there to provide Gun Park with a deal. Samuel claims that there are other people who are a lot stronger than Gun and he cannot face them alone.

What happened in Lookism 512 Spoilers?
Gun decided not to betray Charles. Samuel then calls Goo Kim to inform him that Gun rejected his offer and said we should keep our promise. Goo Kim then says to Samuel, it’s okay I didn’t expect it anyway.
Gun then takes the red paper along with him and calls Charles Choi to tell him that he has the red paper.
Charles then asks him to bring the red paper to him so he can tear it down in front of himself as he does not trust anyone else.
They both then discuss the location of the meeting. After deciding the location Gun asks Choi if Byeon Kim is there with him.

What Will Eugene Do Now?
Meanwhile, Eugene is now confused about what to do, he has two choices either go after Gun or take Mandeok and Yuseong to the hospital as they are badly injured by Gun Park.
Ryuhei Kuroda told him to go after Gun. He also tells him to get a hold of himself as Eugene is now feeling totally hopeless. Eugene however declines and asks Ryuhei to take the injured to the hospital.
Eugene then says without them I can’t do anything and Ryuhei asks Eugene what does that even means.
Senior Manager Kim who is driving the car says It’s the first time I have seen you like this chairman.
Eugene Alternate Plan
On this Eugene says, it seems I have shown you an unpleasant sight and Manager Kim replies that I am just surprised.
Manager Kim then asks if you have given up on Red Paper, shall we go to the hospital to meet with the injured crew members?
However, Eugene quickly recovered from his hopelessness. He then asks Manager Kim to quickly go to the residence before Gun Park arrives.

Wrong Address
Eugene then Let’s surprise Charles, he is now smiling. Manager Kim then says we have arrived but is it the right location Eugene says, yes it is. Eugene is shocked as he enters the building but no one is there.
Eugene is now confused as he thought the meeting would have taken place in this place but nobody is here. Then he says there can only be one conclusion that this place is not Gun Park’s house.

Daniel vs Charles Choi
Eugene then calls Daniel and then Daniel heads towards Charles Choi. Turns out Daniel had other plans, he knew the original residence of Gun Park. Daniel then says to Eugene, you are both evil.
Big Daniel and Charles Choi then engage in a battle in the school and they both seem to be equally matched as of now.
Lookism 512 ends with Daniel Park punching Charles in the face and Charles grabbing the punch and giving Daniel the angry look.

Final Words
It seems even though Eugene failed to deal with Gun Park, he directly went for Charles Choi but he fooled him again and he had the wrong address for the meeting between Gun and Charles.
Gun is badly injured and is still keeping the red paper safe meanwhile the fight between Big Daniel and Charles has begun. In the upcoming chapter Lookism 513, there will be two fights, Goo Kim vs Gun Park and Charles Choi vs Daniel Park
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