Lookism 511 will officially be released on 19th July 2024. Gun Park is finally down after taking on so many opponents and he defeats them all but Johan manages to defeat him.
As usual, the chapter spoilers will be released early, one day before the official release date. You can follow on Twitter for early spoilers @MasabDF.

Lookism 510 chapter starts with Johan Seong fighting Gun Park. Johan easily dodges Gun’s attack and continuously lands hits on him.
The whole fight Johan had the upper hand because Gun was tired and injured. Moreover, Gun was only fighting with one arm since his other arm got broken by Mandeok in Lookism 508.
A flashback reveals Johan’s ability, he can copy the techniques of other fighters. He has been copying techniques for all these years and is now incredibly strong. Johan also used UI Daniel’s moves in the fight which shocked even Gun too.
Gun tries to fight back by going full power, but Johan is still able to dodge his attacks and keeps on punching Gun and eventually defeats Gun.
In a flashback in the latest chapter, Johan tells Zach that he wants revenge on Gun in order to free himself and come back to his friends.
At the end of the chapter, we see Gun’s lifeless body on the floor meanwhile Johan is crying while talking with his Mom. He asks for a haircut showing that he wants to return to his old life now.

Final Words
Gun has been defeating strong opponents for a very long time, it has been by far the longest fight Gun had to endure. He went against the Hostel crew, Japanese biker gang, God Dog, and many other crew members who united against Gun Park.
However, in the end, it was Johan Seong, the leader of God Dog who defeated Gun Park. We will find out more if Gun survived or not in the next chapter on 19th July, 2024.
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